Want to create your Japanese family crest (kamon) for tattoo?

Traditional Japanese Family Crest Heraldry Symbol with your Japanese Name Symbols

Japanese Family Crest Design with your Japanese name symbols

Get your own Japanese family crest with your Japanese name symbols for your tattoo design!

With our Japanese Family Crest with your Japanese Name Symbol Design service, we can create your own Japanese crest (Kamon) with your Japanese Name Symbols within 48 hours of confirmed Payment.


This is how to proceed with this Kamon service!

How to order the Japanese family crest design, kamon

Here is the list of Japanese family crest designs

Flower Kamon Design
Kamon design - Kawari Itadori
Kamon - Aoi
Kamon: Kuri no maru
Kawari Itadori
This represents a Japanese pampas grass. A pampas grass is known as the flower with white color.
Maruni in mitu aoi
This represents a geranium. This crest is historically known as Tokugawa Kamon. Tokugawa is a general in the age of Edo.
Kuri no maru
This Kamon represent a chestnut. In Japan, it is know as the most important food from the primitive age.
Kamon: rice
Kamon - squash
Kamon - Botan Chou
Inemaru ni ichi
This represent rice flower with the number 1 symbol. The kamon is known as the Suzuki's family crest in Japan.
Ogawa uri
This kamon represents squash, and pumpkin. This symbol is knows as the symbol used for oota and tanaka family in Japan.
Botan Chou
This represent a peony flower and butterfly. This kamon symbol is used only for top level of people in Japan at Samurai age.
Animal Kamon Design
Kamon design - Kawari Itadori
Kamon - Tuno
Kamon: horse
The bird Kamon is used to considered as an old authority symbol in some of the Japanese family.
Maruni Daki Tuno
This is representing a horn. The horn symbol is used on the skull in the warring state period.
Hidari Kake uma
This Kamon obviously represent horse. This kamon symbols is known as aiba family crest.
Kamon: horn
Kamon: phenix
Kamon: dragon
Maruni chigai fukutuno
This represent a horn as well, but a different design. The horn symbol is also know as bushido.
Mai hou ou
This kamon is a phoenix. In China, a phoenix is a lucky symbol. It is now used as one of the lucky Kamon symbol in Japan.
Ryu no maru
This kamon is a dragon as a circle. The dragon symbol is imported from China and India.
Kamon: snake design 1
Kamon: snake design 2
Kamon: snake design 3
inyou futatu hemi
These kamon symbols all represent snake.
ichi no jini mitu hemi
A snake is historically know as a spiritual animals
ukin wahemi
These snake kamon symbols represent skull.
Geography Kamon Design
Kamon symbol: Thunder
Kamon symbol: Waves
Kamon symbol: Moon
Katudatemusubi inazuma
This Kamon represent lightning. The lighting symbol was used on a pottery.
Nami no maru
This kamon represent waves. Many samurai used this kamon, because waves are coming and going which is similar to tactics of Samurai strategy.
Han tuki
This Kamon represent moon. The moon symbol was thought as a god once upon a time and used as kamon symbol.


Dear Takanori,

I think that it's very nice of you to follow up with customers and provide new material and additional resources. As I mentioned in one of my earlier emails, your service is very professional and worthwhile to anyone investigating Japanese symbols for art, tattoos, or just general interest. Some time ago I purchased an English / Japanese dictionary but it was very difficult to figure out the appropriate meaning of the symbols.

You should be more aggressive with advertising your service.Take care, keep in touch.

Best regards,

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What is Kamon?

Hello, my friend.

Takanori Tomita

This is Takanori Tomita.
If you are thinking about getting unique tattoo design, why don't use a Japanese family crest called KAMON with your tattoo?

This is going to be very unique tattoo design for you!

But, first, let me explain about what kamon is.
Kamon - Japanese crest

Kamon represents each Japanese family crest.

These Kamon Symbols are often used for things like grave, gate, or costume.

Each Kamon represents a flower, animal, building, or letters.

Historically, Kamon was created about 900 years ago when Japan was in the age of Heian.

These Kaman were first used by many of court noble people, and were gradually spreading to nobleman, and even to samurai.

In the Samurai related movie, if you see the flag of Samurai, you will be able to see their own Kamon symbol to represent themselves.

These Kamon symbols were used for sorting out the team in a battlefield.

Now days, you can even use these Kamon for design or decor.


How to create your own Japanese Crest (Kamon)?

Well, if you would like to get your own Japanese crest (Kamon), we can design your own Japanese Crest Kamon with your Japanese Name Symbols.

All you have to do is:

  1. to pick a crest you like, and
  2. enter your name.
  3. choose a design format.

That's it.

And, you will receive your Japanese crest Kamon with your Japanese Name Symbols within 48 hours of confirmed payment.

If your family is Japanese, you actually need to ask your parents, what sort of Japanese family crest they have chosen to use.

Some people ask us what their Japanese family crest is with their Japanese name symbols, but, it really depends on your family.

Although a Japanese family with the exact family name have a different Kamon.

So, if you don't what your Japanese family use, you can choose the design from our list.

Japanese Family Crest Design with your Japanese name symbols

Design For Tattoo are foreever. If you want to use Japanese symbols for your tattoo design, be sure to have the accurately translated one.

With our Japanese Family Crest with your Japanese Name Symbol Design service, we can create your own Japanese crest (Kamon) with your Japanese Name Symbols within 48 hours of confirmed Payment.

What is the final design look like?

We can create the design of your crest with your Japanese name symbols with any of the following design options: You need to choose one of them on the order form.

  1. Vertical Design with the blue color of Kamon
    vertical Kamon Design

  2. Vertical Design with the Red color of your Japanese Name Symbols
    Heraldry Symbol with your Japanese Name Symbols
  3. Horizontal Design with a Kamon Design in the middle

    Horizontal Kamon Design
  4. Horizontal Design with the red color of Kamon on the left
    Horizontal Design with the red color of Kamon on the left

What is the Japanese calligraphy for my name?

We will design your Japanese name symbols with the following Japanese calligraphic fonts. They are the most popular fonts.

Kanji Style 7

Kanji Style 14

Kanji Style 25

Image format, and the size of your Japanese symbols

  • You will get JPG image format for printing

  • Fully Customized Japanese Kamon with your Japanese Name symbols is going to be sent to your email within 48 hours of confirmed payment.


Should I enter my given name or family name?

Japanese crest is always used to represent your family. So, it is suggested to use your family name for your design.


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No Questions Asked Guaranteed

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I want everyone who order this Japanese translation to get the CORRECT Japanese symbols matching your intended meaning exactly.


If you are dissatisfied with your Japanese translation, simply return it within 30 days for prompt 100% refund, or I will re-create your words and create new calligraphy for you free of charge.

No hassles and no questions asked!


How much does it cost?

Get this custom Kamon and Name Design Service for ONLY US$99.00 >> US$59.97

Note: This is a special price for a limited time only.

I cannot say how long this test will last, so jump on this offer right away.

So, click the order button below and you'll soon feel the satisfaction that so many people are raving about.

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